Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Lee Lozano

In 1969, the American artist Lee Lozano (1930-99) initiated her
General Strike Piece in which she withdrew from the New York
art world:

"Gradually but determinedly avoid being present at official or
public 'uptown' functions or gatherings related to the 'art world'
in order to pursue investigations of total personal and public
revolution. Exhibit in public only pieces which further sharing
of ideas & information related to total personal and public

Two years later, in 1971, Lozano began an even more extreme
work of withdrawal, the notorious, Decide to Boycott Women.
Initially intended to last for a month, she continued this work
for the rest of her life, refusing to speak to or deal with women.

Inevitably controversial in a high period of the feminist movement,
this work, while causing constant inconvenience, confusion and
offence, was intended to "improve communication" with women,
presumably at a more intimate or intense level than the verbal
or conventional.